Fitness Events
Body & Mind 2000 is always developing new programs to run in the gym. Some of these in recent years include:
- Indoor Rowing Competition – this program ran in October 2009. participants had their times recorded, continually trying to improve their time and be the fastest in their age bracket.
In 2016, the team from Body and Mind 2000 competed at the NSW Indoor Rowing Championships in Sydney.
Christine won gold in the 1000 metres, 500 metres sprint and also took out the all-age sprints gold.
Richard won three silvers including second in the 2000 metres event.
Their team, combined with rowers from another club, finished fourth in the 2000 metres relay.
- Olympic Challenge – this program was held in conjunction with the 2000, 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games, with each consecutive year growing in participation levels.
- Biggest Loser – this is a weight loss challenged carried out over 12 weeks. participants follow a customised program to suit their needs and weigh-in fortnightly to see their progress.
- Roll The Dice – has been running yearly since 2008, participants compete by rolling the dice when they attend the gym to build up points with prizes for the highest scores.
- Fit Program – a 12 week program designed to meet your own personal goals, whilst at the same time being a challenge.
Corporate Events
As well as providing fitness services, Body & Mind 2000 also put on seminars and displays, such as:
- Matt O’Neill’s Energised Eating Seminar – Matt’s talk consisted of common sense explanations about how digestion and metabolism work, at the same time dispelling common food and fitness myths.
- Jillian Skinner – visited the Smelter to view a presentation on Corporate Fitness after meeting Chris at the NSW Fitness Awards. She said “the benefits of the program I have seen here today extend beyond the workplace and into the wider community as family members of participants are able to use the facilities”
I visited Body & Mind 2000 and was very impressed with the innovative contribution it makes to the health and wellbeing of employees at several workplaces in NSW.
Preventative health is one of my key priorities and the range of services offered echoes my passion of keeping people healthy.
The flow-on effects of Christine’s innovative work is extensive – dramatically reducing the incidence of workplace injury and absenteeism.
Body & Mind 2000, under the inspirational leadership of Christine, is a model that other business should replicate if they want a happier, healthier and fitter workforce.
Representing at Corporate Events
Chris has also represented Body & Mind 2000 at corporate fitness events including:
- Tasmania Unigym Opening – Chris attended as ambassador for Fitness Australia to open the newly established gym, opened in February 2010.
- Newcastle University Research – Chris was a research assistant for the Coalfields Healthy Heartbeat Schools project during 1994, collecting health related fitness data of year 6 students.
Ongoing Fitness Events
Body & Mind 2000 often enter teams into fitness events out of the gym. participants are given any assistance they need to get fit for these events. Some events over recent years include:

Winning Gold for the 8th Annual Australian Masters Games
- World Masters Games
- Australian Masters Games
- NSW Masters Games
- Trans Tasman Games
- Newcastle Permanent Half Marathon
- Fitness Expo: Australia’s largest fitness and health exhibition